By Gray Rollins

Information on training a hunting dog.

The term hunting dog is applied to any dog that is able to assist a human in the act of hunting. There are several different types of breeds of dogs that are quite useful as hunting dogs and each has a particularly unique and useful talented that is used during hunting.

Hounds such as coonhounds are often used for stalking prey either by sight or sound. Sight hounds generally kill what they are stalking for their masters, while scent hounds are very likely to corner prey in some manner so someone in the hunting party may kill it.


Hunters that hunt small game such a wild turkey and pheasants normally use gun dogs. There are pointers who point at game birds that are being tracked by the hunting party and will additionally flush out the prey for the hunter. There are also pointers that basically freeze and point when a game bird is spotted and allows the hunting party the opportunity to flush out the prey. Retrievers are a class of hunting dog that will go out an retrieve the carcasses of prey that have been shot by the hunting party.

Curs and terriers are also in the gun dog classification of hunting dogs. Terriers ferret out animals in their habits (dens for instance) and then kill them with brute strength. Curs are hunting dogs that are very well known to take on creatures that are much larger then they are.

When you begin to train your hunting dog the first thing you need to do is to begin getting them used to the great outdoors. A dog that is going to assist a hunting party needs to be able to handle all types of weather. Allow your dog to roam around in an empty open area with your close supervision. When doing this you want to make sure that your dog is given plenty of water.

You are also going to need to teach your hunting dog how to track. This task can be accomplished by purchasing a container of animal blood and create a small trail of it that your dog can follow. Leaving a treat at the end of that trail can further encourage your dog to take to tracking.

If you are extremely patient with your dog while training it to be a hunting dog in time you are going to have a very faithful and useful member of your hunting party for years to come.

About the Author: Gray Rollins is a featured writer for – a great site for dog training. Learn more about

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